55th Annual Thompson Reunion and Homecoming Continue reading
Footprints Along the Hoopee 2
“Footprints Along the Hoopee 2 History of Emanuel County, Georgia 1900-2000” by Dr. James E. Dorsey Continue reading
The Sons of Solomon (1760-2008) A Yeoman-Yeomans-Youmans Genealogy
“The Sons of Solomon (1760-2008) A Yeoman-Yeomans-Youmans Genealogy” compiled and edited by Gerald Delano Hooks Continue reading
New Information about William Beasley and Mildred Amelia Beasley Thompson
Continuing genealogy research has revealed new information about William Beasley and his daughter, Mildred Amelia “Miley” Beasley Thompson, wife of Robert Thompson. Continue reading
I Must Remember This: – a must read book
I Must Remember This: A Southern White Boy’s Memories of the Great Depression, Jim Crow, and World War II by George Thomas Youngblood Continue reading
Pine Log Echoes book – article submission deadline
The deadline for submitting articles for inclusion in the upcoming “Pine Log Echoes”, Emanuel County Bicentennial Family History Book, is fast approaching, so submit your articles right away! Continue reading
Joseph Youngblood – Revolutionary War Soldier
Joseph Youngblood – Revolutionary War Soldier
For those cousins who are related to the Youngblood Family of Emanuel County, Georgia, one of your Youngblood ancestors was a Revolutionary War Soldier, which may qualify you for membership in the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution – DAR or in the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution – SAR. Continue reading
54th Annual Thompson Family Reunion
The 54th Annual Thompson Family Reunion and Ebenezer Methodist Church Homecoming was held on Sunday, October 2, 2011.
Reubin Thompson Family Newsletter – September 2011
Dear Family and Friends,
Once again, it is time for our annual Thompson Reunion, along with allied families. This will be the 54th year of the gathering. Sunday, October 2, 2011, is the date so mark your calendars. As always, we will meet at Ebenezer Methodist Church in Kemp, west of Swainsboro. Our speaker this year is cousin Hugh Thompson. Hugh is a Georgia State Supreme Court Justice. We are looking forward to hearing him. The church doors will open at 9:30 for registration and visiting, with the program at 10:30. Casual dress is fine. Continue reading
Genealogy Database updated
Genealogy research is a never ending project; each discovery leads to another and then to another. It’s like putting together a never ending jigsaw, but the rewards are many.
I’ve updated the genealogy database with more persons, information and needed corrections. Although I have endeavored to ensure the accuracy of the genealogical data contained herein, there will be some mistakes. If you find any needed corrections or want to share genealogy information, please let me know.
And don’t forget the Thompson Family Reunion on Sunday, October 2, 2011 at the Ebenezer Methodist Church at Kemp, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Hope to see y’all there!