Thompson Family Reunion Newsletter – Spring 2024

Reubin Thompson Memorial Foundation
Spring Newsletter 2024

Reunion News

Our reunion last fall was on a beautiful day with great food.  Because he was feeling unwell our President Philip Stephens was unable to be there so cousin Bill T. Akers presided.  Sadly, we lost Philip a few days later.  He is greatly missed!!   Board member Andy Thompson has agreed to serve as president during this time of transition, with Bill T. as Vice President.   Last fall we gathered on Saturday evening for a meal and singing at Oak Park.  An event on Saturday is in the planning stages.   More details will be sent in your fall newsletter.  Please make plans to be in attendance the first weekend in October, our long-standing tradition!

Roots and Wings Scholarship

Attention all you seniors and others, the deadline for applying for our $1000 scholarship is fast approaching. Get an application from chairperson Susan Middleton at or 478-955-4377.  The deadline is June 1st!

News of Cemetery Addition

Several years ago, Jay Youngblood gave Ebenezer Church a piece of land for an addition to the west side of the present cemetery.  Your foundation paid for a new fence and plans were made for the new lots.  There are a total of 1100 lots, priced at $350 each.  Monuments placed may be of a size of your choice.  Please contact Ebenezer Church member Carl Roghelia at 912-562-4241 or 912-682-7978 for more information.  This is a great opportunity for family members who might be interested.

Final Note

Your Board of Directors will be meeting this summer to discuss plans for the reunion and news concerning the church, grounds and cemetery.  We always welcome your ideas and involvement.  Hope to see you in October!!!


Marilyn M. Lear
Family Historian