Reubin Thompson Family Update April 2016

Reubin Thompson Family Update
April 2016

Beasley, Coleman, Flanders, Hall, Hooks, Lumley, Kea/Key, Kirkland, Kitchen[s], Moore, Rowell, Riner, Sumner, Thigpen, Youngblood and more

For the first time in recent years, rainy stormy weather threatened our reunion weekend. Activities on Saturday were mostly rained out but Sunday morning brought clearing skies and a good attendance. The all music program was well received!! We have a talented family and various singers and musicians seemed proud to share their gifts. It was inspiring to all in attendance.

During the meeting President Philip Stephens announced that Allison HAMMOCK of Fort Pierce, Florida, won the Roots and Wings Scholarship. She is studying nursing and hopes to work among the Navaho people. Allison is the granddaughter of the late Nancy THOMPSON BRIDGES and a descendant of Robert Bird THOMPSON.  Her thank you note expressed how very grateful she is for this special $1000 scholarship. Information and applications are available from the Chairman Susan Middleton. Contact her at 6345 Stapleton Road, Macon GA 31216 or email her at: Note: The deadline to apply is June 1st.

*Robert Henry DEEN of St. Mary’s passed away on January 6th, 2016. He was employed by Gilman Paper Company for 42 years before retirement. He was a descendant of Rev. Henry THOMPSON. He is survived by his wife, two sons and several grandchildren.

*Grace and Abigail MAYNOR of Jacksonville have been enrolled in the Lumbee Indian Tribe of  North Carolina, through their grandfather’s family. They are granddaughters of Peggy Thompson MAYNOR, the late Jim MAYNOR, and are descendants of Robert Bird THOMPSON.

*Ray KANE of West Virginia was instrumental in organizing a new chapter of Sons of the American Revolution. He also serves as WV state registrar for SAR. He is a descendant of Allen THOMPSON, Mary Katherine KITCHENS and Bartlett YOUNGBLOOD.

*Hannah GOODMAN won the DAR Essay Contest for the 7th grade at her school,  David Emanuel Academy of Emanuel County. She is the granddaughter of Martha THOMPSON WALKER. This year’s topic was the British Stamp Act.

*Tom BRIDGES of Colfax, North Carolina, has been selected as Yadkin Valley District Lay Leader for the next 4 years. This United Methodist District includes 163 churches. He is the grandson of George A. and Grace CHRISTIAN THOMPSON of Kemp.

OUR NEXT REUNION will be October 1st and 2nd. Your fall newsletter will have details. Plans may include revisiting the Farm and Home Museum in Emanuel County due to its constantly evolving exhibits. They now display some of their hundreds of old Coke bottles as well as other soft drink bottles and much more. Do you remember “Grapette?” Make plans to attend in October. Come and meet new cousins!!

Editor                        President
Marilyn M. Lear                Philip Stephens
4106 Riverside Drive        1083 Woodland Drive
Brunswick, GA  31520        Soperton, GA 30457
912-265-5916                912-529-3624

Please pass this newsletter on to others.  Send in your family news for the fall newsletter which is mailed to everyone.

You can view and download a PDF copy of the Reubin Thompson Family Update April 2016 from HERE.